Sunday, May 10, 2009

Handy Angie, Smilin' Boys, and Santoneyo (in no particular order)

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there...especially my own amazing momma and momma-in-law. Love you both! I had a most lovely Mother's Day myself if you don't count the 22 minute Grant meltdown on the way to church this morning. I should've just let him wear his stupid boots with his cute little polo and plaid shorts but no. It was MY day and I wanted him to wear the cute little boat shoes. He was in such a tizzy by the time we reached church that it took 3 of us to get him into his Sunday school room. Just call me mom of the year. On a much happier note, however, part of my Mom's Day gift was a VERY rare framed photo of BOTH my boys. Smiling. I know! I can't believe it either.

And now for a random shift in topic....I fixed the garbage disposer all by myself yesterday ! Thank you. Thank you. A week or so ago I stuffed a couple of lemon peels down it but they never would grind up and go away. I assumed one of them was just stuck and that it would eventually dislodge and my life could go back to normal. But alas, the bumpity bumpity clunk clunk clunk continued and I was forced, FORCED, to stick my hand down there and remedy the situation. Ick uck yeck. But it worked. I managed to remove the offending object...and it was not a lemon peel. It was something akin to this.

How boring would my life be without little boys?!

A couple weeks ago we all loaded up and headed to Santoneyo (that's Grant-speak for San Antonio) to visit my cousin Amy and her family. They were gracious enough to let our circus crash at their house and we had a great time! We spent Saturday at Sea World....holy cow. It would take about 2 weeks to walk from one side of that place to the other. But the boys had a fabulous time.

Here's Jaden and Hunter at the waterpark...I really think they would've played in there all day if we'd have let them.

We took in all the shows. Jaden and Hunter sat as front row as they could get trying to get splashed. Grant was happy to sit well OUT of the splash zone.

Here's all of us...Hunter, Buck, Amy, Matt, Angie, Grant and Jaden

On Sunday, at Jaden's request, we headed downtown to the Alamo. And that afternoon my other cousin Stacy and her boys drove up to hang out and swim for a while. Her boys are the same ages as mine by a matter of days! I don't know how Stacy, Amy, and I managed to acquire all these little boys but they are adorable and they all got along famously.

Here's Simon and Stacy...

and Joel...

and Mr. Throw a Fit Over a Pair of Boots...


Mary said...

What fun! Looks like you had a blast! Tell Mr. Fit Thrower that we won't be able to do that at t-ball! tee-hee

Brooke said...

That pic of you and Grant should be in a is beautiful!!! I would imagine Mr. Disposal no likey bouncy balls! Ewwww...that chore grosses me 100% out. I always don the rubber gloves before venturing down there. Ick.

Lori E. said...

Angie you take the best pictures!! It looks like ya'll had a blast. I must say you are way cooler than me....fixing the garbage disposal. That is tougher than touching a snake. I went to school with a girl that put her arm in one when she was little.......I make Mike work on it, after I double check that it is unplugged.

kristen lewis said...

You should have seen the horrific meltdown in our house over a bandaid. There are no words. At least you are not alone!

And props to you for sticking your arm down the disposal. I hate that.

We must get together soon. Carter is talking about Grant a LOT lately. On Sunday morning he was pretty adament that I look up your phone number in the phone book. Silly boy!